Founded in 2014, Life's Worth Living Foundation is a created to raise awareness of, educate on, and prevent suicide. We are a registered 501c3 charity primarily focused on the Tooele County area, but our support often stretches throughout the State of Utah.
SUPPORTIndescribable tragedy struck our little hometown of Tooele, Utah three times within a few weeks in late February 2014. Life for three local families and many friends will never return to the way it was. It was a tragic loss to all of us. Numerous tears were shed as many of us attended three funerals back to back. These were outstanding young men that had a tremendous impact on those they knew. Suicide has left us asking ourselves: why?
While visiting with a family member of one of these young men, the conversations kept returning to the same questions. “What could I have done differently? What could I have done to save him?” It was during this conversation that we agreed that something should be done to raise awareness and prevent this unspeakable sadness from happening to others. That some good should come from these heartbreaking events. That we could ultimately play a small part in becoming a blessing to others. It was with this goal in mind that the Life’s Worth Living Foundation came to be.
The story of these young men, like the many before and after, is where our story begins. As a foundation, we have been able to provide a place for people struggling with suicidal thoughts, as well as survivors of suicide, to come and have a forum to share their thoughts and struggles at our monthly support group. We have a speaking tour where we educate the youth about suicide prevention and what resources are available. We offer a crisis hotline for those who needed to talk. Last but not least we have been able to help with financial aid to devastated families left to bury a loved one.
Community Events
Community Support Groups
Veteran-specific Support
Prevention Training
4th Thursdays @ 7pm
Mountain West
Medical Center
2055 N. Main
Tooele, Utah 84074
2nd Thursdays @ 7pm
Tooele County
Health Department
151 N. Main
Tooele, Utah 84074